
World's First Robot Which Grows With Its Owner

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Photon is an intelligent and interactive robot that teaches children how to code. Through engaging storytelling, experiments and heavy use of gamification the robot is able to explain the basics of programming in a digestible and most importantly: fun way. We believe that learning through experiences is what benefits children the most. By giving out a set of tasks, the robot encourages kids to practice their logical thinking skills and make their first steps into the world of programming. Photon is a roadventurous and curious about the world. He wants to make friends and be useful. His thirst for discovery is hard to satisfy, and he wants children to feel the same. Photon can display a whole range of emotions which makes him into an even more charismatic character. The robot grows along with a child while unlocking his new functionalities. The robot is being brought to life by a sizeable team of psychologists, programmers and robotic engineers who have put all their heart and knowledge to make Photon as kid friendly as possible. Every stage of development is consulted and tested with the help of children. Their opinion matters the most for us. The programming engine used by Photon is inspired by Scratch and made for children of ages 6 to 12. All commands and storytelling are being delivered by a paired application for smartphones and tablets lights and speakers.

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