
Discover, manage, and optimize SaaS spend

Friday, May 22, 2015

SpendAgent helps companies discover, manage, and optimize the money they spend on software. Unintended consequences and challenges have emerged as businesses have started embracing Cloud applications. The disruptive nature of SaaS and Cloud applications is a double edged sword for enterprises. On one hand it enables business users to rapidly deploy software solutions that help them increase productivity and do their jobs more effectively. On the other hand, this ability to quickly get an application deployed in the cloud means that these applications don't always get the appropriate level of oversight from IT and Procurement when they're purchased. With this rapid proliferation of SaaS and Cloud based solutions, enterprises are struggling to understand how and where they're spending money on software. This challenge is only going to become more complex over time as more and more applications become available in the Cloud. Enter SpendAgent. Our platform will discover the SaaS applications you've deployed in the cloud and also help identify how much you're spending on these applications. SpendAgent even offers market intelligence and potential substitutes for the applications it discovers. With SpendAgent, you'll quickly know which applications are deployed, as well as who is using them and how much they cost. Simple. We're also working to make SpendAgent better with input from industry leaders and customers. Soon, our platform will be able to make actionable recommendations on the Cloud apps it discovers. Cost benchmarking data will be available soon as a way to determine if your Cloud costs are in line with industry norms. This is just one of many key features we plan to roll out in the near future.

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