
Seal secure eSignatures onto PDF's with SignBox App & Extension

Friday, August 14, 2015

Securely and conveniently add your signature onto any PDF document that you receive from the convenience of your smart iOS device. Seal your signature onto any PDF, from anywhere with SignBox extension. Use your TouchID to store, protect, and retrieve your Signature. No Registration. No Cloud Signing. Totally within your device. No annual subscription. No Monthly fees. Pay Once! ONLY 3.99$. Secure. Protected. Convenient —— Your signature is only a Touch away. Using your TouchID or passcode, seal your protected signature onto any PDF document: - ONLY Accessed by TouchID or passcode. Not stored on any cloud. Your signature remains in your device. - Your signature will not be editable or copiable by recipients. - Add Open Passwords. Prevent editing, copying or printing after signing. - Sign with SignBox Extension any PDF document from within any of your favorite Apps. All conveniently within your device. - Your signature will never look beter. Smoothened and inked with vector strokes. Fine print on any scale. - Conveniently add your initials, print your name, add date, or even scribble your directives alongside your signature. - You don't need to setup an account. No registration. No Cloud account. No Subscription.

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