Klok - Time Zone Converter Widget

Klok - Time Zone Converter Widget

Monday, July 20, 2015

Klok is a time zone converter widget that sits in your Today view and helps you stay on time with people you care about in different time zones. Quickly glance and convert time by swiping down from anywhere, your phone doesn't even have to be unlocked. 1) It lets you convert time for all time zones! 2) The interface is simple, fancy-free and very intuitive to use 3) You can set it up as a widget in your Today view for a quick look. 4) The widget opens even if the phone is locked! 5) You can schedule conference calls, online meet ups and chats across different time zones at an hour convenient to you and the receiving party. 6) It's totally free! Enjoy the powerful way of keeping track of time in a globalized world with Klok! Check it out here: Klok Website http://www.buuuk.com/klok/ Klok Press Kit http://www.buuuk.com/klok/press/ buUuk Website http://www.buuuk.com/ iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id965118917?mt=8

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