
Matchmaking for Brands in a HARO for Bloggers Model.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Reaching new customers is important to small and large brands alike. By partnering with a network of passionate influencers and brand advocates with dedicated followers, brands can connect with new customers in a very REAL way. Instahype simplifies the matchmaking process between brands wanting to create buzz, improve SEO and drive revenue through connecting with influential bloggers with social capital. Instahype: 1) Accelerates your brands’ connection with thousands of targeted brand advocates – drastically cutting time spent on researching, contacting and following-up via our direct-to-influencer email strategy. 2) Requires no logins, easy campaign request with delivery across numerous industries with access to our 22,000 social media rockstars & tastemakers 3) Builds mutually beneficial relationships by allowing certain influencers to reach out to brands/agencies they have worked with in the past with creative ideas that the brand may have never thought about, giving the influencer/blogger even more input into culture. With InstaHype, brands can launch accelerated grass roots campaign that increase exposure to new, targeted customers, both quickly and cost effectively. Ready to amplify your branding?

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