
Worlds first soundtrack creation studio

Monday, March 21, 2016

We've created the worlds first soundtrack creation studio! We're changing the way the YouTubers, Vimeo-ers and Filmmakers alike create music for their films...forever. After acknowledging the problem that filmmakers were purchasing static library music tracks and jumbling around their edit so that it fitted the track well enough, we decided it didn't have to be like this... Enter Filmstro. Three sliders. Momentum. Depth. Power. With these you can control an entire orchestra, a DJ, a rock band, and so much more, in real-time as your film plays! Understand music in way that's accessible to everyone and sculpt your soundtrack to your edit. You can then refine down to the very last frame in our automation grid. We've had success with the techies on ProductHunt and have been given the thumbs up by Film Riot and Cinema5D. Over the past couple of weeks, filmmakers have been signing up in their thousands! We're currently only available for Mac, but we're building a cross platform of Filmstro for release in March.

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