
All your Business Data → Beautiful, Real-time Dashboard

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Datadeck collects and blends your data in real time to visualize it in beautiful templates and widgets. It brings teams together by sharing the same data with everyone and allowing your whole company--from the least technically skilled entry level assistant to your CIO--to get on the same page and make united decisions. And it allows all of them to use a simple internal search engine to ask and get answers in plain English. So you can solve the most pressing problems facing your company. Together. No code. No hassle. No need to create star schemas or dimension tables. Datadeck combines your data fast and efficiently to deliver only the results you need to answer only the questions you’re interested in right now. 1. Data Blending How much time does your department spend each week putting together KPI reports critical to your profitability? Datadeck reduces this time to 0 hours by establishing direct, secure connections to your data sources and updating them for when you need them. It puts everything together into one data source so you can make wise and timely insights across a raft of diverse information. 2. Data Visualization You want to be proud of the data you present to your team and your clients. We get that. That’s why we focused on creating data visualizations that are shockingly beautiful. 3. Team Collaboration Individual talent can only take a company so far. The best companies in the world are experts at creating cohesive teams that make decisions and execute together. The key to building these teams is encouraging regular, honest communication. The problem as companies grow is that employees across different departments and world regions are separated by vast time and space. This can cause confusion, delay, and even conflict as different teams try to get on the same page. Datadeck brings teams together by encouraging collaboration with fun, easy-to-use tools that allow instant online sharing and discussion. So everyone throughout the company knows each team’s KPIs and can contribute to achieving them. Datadeck puts all departments in synch with beautiful dashboards of all your data sources--in real-time. Making your company happier, more organized, and more productive than ever. Check out our website: and learn more or sign up!

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