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Say 'Thanks' with a Movie

Posted Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ok, someone does something nice for you. It could be a patient who refers a friend or the customer who gives you a fantastic online review. You'd like to do something nice for them....maybe treat them to a movie but movies are expensive as gifts. But are they really? Please allow me to introduce you to txtMovies. txtMovies enables you to send Redbox Movie Rentals codes with a custom message delivered by Text Message (SMS) or Tweet for only $1.99. Redbox is the nationwide leader of DVD & Blu-ray movie rentals with over 3 billion discs rented from 35,000 US locations. txtMovies is being used by: Major universities like Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Iowa, Ohio State etc. Nonprofits such as Livestrong Foundation, Planned Parenthood, Southern CA Veterinarian Assn. Healthcare professionals suchs as dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and family physicians.

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