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Sushi Status

The ultimate status report tool built by project managers.

Posted Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sushi Status helps Project Managers create status reports clients and teams create will actually read. Anyone who runs a project that gets reported to a team or C level people, generally has a problem with communicating the status of that project. It's through phone calls, in person meetings, spreadsheets, spiral bound books, tools like Basecamp and JIRA, etc. Whatever the form factor it ends up being a waste of time and money and results in a lot of people not having the information they need to make important business decisions. Sushi Status solves the problem by integrating with the tools teams use and allowing the Project Manager to send a perfectly designed and organized email. This means that CEO could get timeline updates and red flags, a CTO could get velocity on an agile project with epic completion numbers and CMO could get a list of to-do's yet to be done. Liaisons can basically get the right information to the right people and not worry about changing anyone's workflow or making the teams sign up for another login.

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