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Streamient aims to reinvent how you collaborate with your partners

Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let's face it. Software for the partner channel is overpriced, overcomplicated, too expensive and vendors constantly want to upsell their enterprise package. Good Partner Relationship Management (PRM) software enables real-time information flow - hence the name Streamient - enhancing collaboration between you and your partners. Streamient aims to give you a simple to use web application that you and your channel partners will love to use. With Streamient you will be able to collaborate with your channel on sales leads, exchange files from different sources (think Dropbox, Google, etc.) in one easy to use portal and keep your clients up to date on your business. We are still hard at work and much has yet to be done, but you can be the first to find out all about Streamient... PS: Streamient will be made available under an open source license.

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