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Simply Wall St

Pinterest for the stock market

Posted Saturday, January 17, 2015

The most daunting aspect first-time investors face when entering the market can be choosing the most appropriate stock to buy, particularly if the user is unfamiliar with complex tables and dense financial reports. Simply Wall St sought to addresses this by presenting stock data in a new, visual format, one that can be easily appreciated by the new investor and veterans alike. The result is the Snowflake, a graphical interpretation of live stock data, which with once glance provides insight into the most relevant aspects of the investment. Users can then drill down further and look at the infographics, which outlines each company in detail. This is done everyday for over 10,000 listed companies on the US, Uk and Australian exchanges. Furthermore a beginner mode is available which outlines the key concepts someone needs to know to assess a company on whether it is an appropriate investment or not.

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