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AI allowing Salesforce users to update Salesforce in seconds

Posted Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eliminate time spent updating your CRM, and increase the time your team spends selling. Rollio’s Artificial Intelligence Engine captures data via text message or voice note, and fills out your CRM for you. One quick text, an opportunity is automatically logged in seconds, and you're off to your next meeting. No more busywork, just selling. Rollio uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Predictive Analytics to update deals and your pipeline. Whether you're making a quick note or adding a new piece of info about a customer, our intelligent workflows will update any tasks or relationships that you forget to…or just don’t feel like updating. All your dashboards and reports now get updated faster, and more accurately. As you speak, Rollio puts all your information in the right places. You can now benchmark trends and analyze sales, without questioning if they are correct and up to date. Roll works for everyone including: VP of Sales - Chasing around Sales reps to use your CRM & training new ones to use it is a thing of the past. We’ve made CRMs simple. Sales Reps- If you can text or tweet, you can now master Salesforce. Create opportunities with the ease of a text message. CEOs- Have your Data “Cake” & eat it too. Faster & more accurate data entry. Dashboards & reports are updated instantaneously. Try a free Rollio Demo today. Visit

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