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Robotix Learning Solution

Inspire the next generation of innovators and creators

Posted Monday, September 10, 2018

Robotix with a mission to inspire the next generation of innovators and creators, creates robotics & coding education programmes and robots, for children to learn STEM and develop 21st century skills, such as problem solving, creative thinking, innovation, critical & analytical thinking, communication and collaboration. At Robotix, kids and teens build valuable S.T.E.M skills and 21st century skills. through personalized and interactive learning experience. Students experience learning from world class products and tools from MIT, USA, and other places like Korea, Japan and Europe. Programmes like Coding, Robotics, App development, and DIY activities will inspire kids to be inventors and creators and develop 21st century skills. Future jobs in the STEM field are the fastest growing and it’ll be crucial for our kids to be equipped with the right skills to be prepared for the future job market

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