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Easiest way to get Best Price of a product and Save Money

Posted Thursday, August 20, 2015

Price-hunt is a comparison shopping service to help the users to compare prices and get the best deal at their convenient time and without moving around in shops. It helps people easily find ‘what to buy’ and ‘where to buy from’ and helps them make better and wiser purchases. The site covers more than 1,00,000 products from 20 categories. It also provides product reviews, price tracking chart, product specifications, delivery time apart from giving best price of a product and thus, helping the user in making the right buying decision. Its USP is that is does a real time price search across various online stores from India and provides one click search for a product to find the best current price at that moment. Price­Hunt uses various algorithms and faster query processing that brings quick search results to customers. The site also offers easy navigation,which enables customers to surf through the most popular brands, the most popular products and the best sellers on one screen. So, the user can type in anything to search and will get the price search across various stores. Its main aim is to make Indian Consumers aware of price variation for products in India and make it possible for him/her to save money through price comparison.

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