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Fik Stores

SaaS e-commerce platform based on WordPress. We help you sell more.

Posted Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fik Stores is a SaaS platform based on WordPress. With Fik Stores you can create, customize and modify online stores, as well as manage orders as easily as creating and managing a blog. Creating and managing an online store may be overwhelming. We take care of that, in a few simple steps our clients can start selling. Fik Stores provides great customer support, we build strong relationships with our clients and help them with any problems they may have. We also offer deals and recommendations of key providers (logistics, payments, marketing, etc.), guiding our clients through the process of developing and scaling an online business. We believe in the win-win proposition and focus on our clients' success. Fik Stores has affordable monthly subscription plans tailored for entrepreneurs and businesses that want to start selling online without investing too much in the platform.

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