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The simple email finder service. It find business leads for you, so you don't have to.

Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Email Magpie is an email finder service that builds massive custom email lead lists of b2b leads, bloggers, influencers and journalists, globally. We created a simple online service to help any business find businesses or influencers online, without our customers lifting a finger. We've already found millions of emails and delivered thousands of orders from people all over the world. Businesses, marketers and sales people spend 70% of their time prospecting and finding leads of new businesses that they can sell their products and services to. Manually and even automated ways of finding businesses and influencers online is hard, it takes up alot of people's time when they could be focusing on their pitch, we created a service so no one has to find leads manually or internally again. We solve this universal business problem by having a fire and forget ordering system, that lets you place a targeted order for any businesses, in any vertical, anywhere online, and then deliver them to you in a structured spreadsheet of emails, websites and social media data for you to begin selling to immediately. A true simple email finder service. Tell the Magpie what you want, and we'll bring back your business something shiny.

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