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A new, easy way to manage your finances.

Posted Sunday, March 8, 2015

Certaincents is a new web application designed as a tool to give peace of mind to those just beginning their financial plan or those who need help to get out of debt, but don’t have the resources for a financial advisor. Originally developed by a Chicago engineer for personal use, after a short time it not only helped him to gain control of his finances, but allowed many of his close friends get to better financial outcomes as well. He decided to make Certaincents a web platform for the general public after realizing that there is a real need for financial forecasting tools that are easy to use. CertainCents helps eliminate headaches and security concerns (no bank connection requirement). Users enter transactions (one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, annual) and CertainCents will automatically formulate where their budget stands for a rolling calendar year. Users can set personal minimums and the app’s innovative color coding allows them to see well ahead of time when they are getting dangerously close to falling below their personally set minimum threshold- with enough time to make a change before it's too late.

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