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devmate by Automated Software Testing

Focus on your creativity by automating unit tests.

Posted Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Software development processes must be faster and faster, agile and have as few errors as possible. Our solution could support a potential of 27 million software developers to re-focus on their creativity by automating unit tests with AI technology and get rid of repetitive and boring manual tests. devmate is an easy to use test code generation tool for developers. With our model editor, developers can focus on requirements, inputs and expected outputs. The automatically generated test code is well structured, readable and state of the art test code of the target testing framework. devmate uses black box testing techniques (most competitors only use white box techniques). devmate gives developer fast feedback to recognize lacks and debts in code and makes refactoring easy and safe. Modeling test cases becomes very easy because devmate has AI-powered recommendation systems which fully supports developers at their work and saves them time and money. A massive acceleration of development and testing processes is the result. Every professional developer is a potential customer. The first version of devmate is developed for VisualStudio as an easy to use test code generation tool for developers with an lightweight installation approach as an Visual Studio Extension has already been tested by 4 pilot customers.

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