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Develop and test website across multiple browsers simultaneously

Posted Friday, May 1, 2015

SyncUI is a service for web developers that helps to deal with problem of cross browser compatibility. Millions of developers spend days or even weeks trying to fit website to all modern browsers and devices. Web developer in Europe and USA spends 17% of his time for testing. This market is valuated as $2,6 bln. Imagine how much money is wasted for just checking website on every browser and device. SyncUI easily solves this problem and reduces testing time twice. Customer problem Web developers have to write code that works in hundreds of different environments. Mobile is even worse - hundreds of different browsers/OS/device variations. Developers waste too much time to check websites in multiple device/browser combinations. This costs money and postpones product release date. Solution SyncUI enables developer to build high quality websites faster. Our customers spend less time and money for testing. High product quality is the must for modern website. So we are not just helping customers to build their application. We help them to create valuable products and build strong business. Check all needed browsers and devices simultaneously! Test them from one screen: all your actions will be applied to other devices, in real time. Just review the outcomes. SyncUI enables to: - check cross browser compatibility; - do the manual testing; - do the automated testing.

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