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Typography for Note, Diary, Journal

Posted Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"Paletto" is a typography-based note and diary app. How was your day? Of what you heard being said to you today, what do you remember the most? A confession from a lover. Compliment for a job well done. A crushing comment that drove you into sadness. The words of a post that somehow resonated do deeply with you. There are so many words and events throughout the day that shouldn't go forgotten. They each host your "feelings" about them. A dairy should be able to capture such feelings well. In Paletto, you can write about your day with a variety of typographic fonts and colors that can best express how you felt each day, rather than working with just a white backdrop and black ink. As its name suggests, Paletto is a typography-based note and diary app that is meant to allow you to paint each day in different colors as you would use a palette. Each Paletto Kit comes in 8 colors and a variety of typography, with more Kits on the way through future updates.

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