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OOTUmovies: You are the algorithm. Enjoy your evening.

Posted Thursday, August 14, 2014

OOTU. Outline Of The Universe. OOTU semantic databases contain millions of familiar, meaningful topics associated with each other through billions of human-curated connections. An intuitive navigational interface leads you from one interest to another. OOTU enables you to discover topics you would have never thought to search for and did not know you were interested in. OOTUmovies is our first web application; it optimizes the movie-on-demand experience. Your leisure time is too precious to waste on interminable searches and mediocre content. The semantic navigator makes you the curator of your own movie interests, allowing you to follow a path of discovery with blinding speed. We provide a lot of information about virtually every movie so you decide on a good choice. Then we offer you the best options for instant viewing. Discovery Informed Choice Fulfillment = Satisfaction. Our current focus is movies, but the technology approach enables users to discover content in any large digital library. OOTUmovies is consumer-focused. We will also pursue B2B relationships with content providers of all types. OOTU, Inc. was founded by an experienced team of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and investors. Everyone uses only a fraction of the digital brain. Through innovative semantic discovery technology and navigation, OOTU expands your reach.

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